You will be my Witness
Acts 1:8
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.

Our Jerusalem
Nashville is a great place to call home. Although our community has multiple churches from a variety of different denominations, our prayer and mission is still to share the gospel with our entire community. Missions starts at home.
The state of Arkansas has a long and storied history in the BMA, and our desire is to continue evangelizing our state through the support of our state missions department as well as physically doing missions when the need arises. This will be through financial support and prayerful planning of what God would have us do.
Our Judea
Our Samaria
The United States was once founded on biblical principles. Although it appears that we are so far past those days, we still believe that God can send revival to our country. In the recent months we have seen small pockets of revivals around our nation and we truly believe that the revivals that we have read about in days past can once again take place if we will only repent and trust God.
Global missions can appear to be a daunting task for one person or church, but when we collectively seek God's will there is nothing to big that He can not accomplish. We are reminded in scripture that God desires that all will come to repentance. We will financially support missionaries around the word and when God allows, We will physically go!